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Organic Recycling Ltd Offset their Carbon Footprint

Organic Recycling Ltd are currently in the process of expanding by introducing a new anaerobic digestion plant. This expansion will help increase the volume of waste that can be recycled and use this heat generate through the process to heat and power the site and local community.

Organic Recycling is committed to managing and reducing the environmental aspects and impacts of its activities, by:

  • Using a biomass boiler to produce their own energy by using waste material such as paper, wood, card etc as a raw material. This will heats the offices and make Organic Recycling a Zero Waste Place.
  • The office buildings were converted from an old barn and only used materials that were reclaimed or on site. They also made the extra commitment by only using Argon filled double glazed windows and doors.
  • Committing to printing when absolutely necessary, and when it required to using both sides of the paper, only having recycled paper available. These are simple actions which any business can implement, but Organic Recycling has gone a step further and are recycling ink toner cartridges.
  • Travel is taken into consideration and a travel policy has been implemented to reduce encourage staff to travel more sustainably.
  • All training material, policies, procedures are available electronically, which has reduced the need to print out internal documents.
  • Paperless invoicing system is in place, which reduces the amount of printing, as well as postage costs.
  • All lights and equipment are turned off when not in use, as well as introducing light sensors.
  • Rainwater harvesting tanks have been installed and this water is use to clean vehicles and to suppress dust created.
  • All water fittings throughout the office have been installed with water efficiency technologies including short flush toilet.

How did we help?

As part of their commitment Organic Recycling Ltd is improving their environmental performance and systems by ensuring, where possible, to not have adverse effects on the environment. They are planning to plant 4180 trees and 33,600 hedges to not only offset their carbon footprint, but in turn help to reduce noise pollution.

The environmental management system (EMS) used to manage the impact Organic Recycling has on the environment, has led to them achieving Green Level Accreditation with Investors in the Environment, but also helped them to gain ISO 14001 certification. This has been achieved through setting targets for improvement, created action plans to ensure these are achieved and progress is analysed and reported to all staff biannually. As well as reducing the environmental impact of its activities, Organic Recycling is committed to ensuring that it complies with all relevant environmental legislation and other requirements.

Key Achievements

  • Planning to plant 4180 trees and 33,600 hedges as well as reducing their noise pollution.
  • Achieving Green Level Accreditation with iiE.
  • Created a travel plan for their employees to encourage their staff to travel more sustainably.
  • A paperless invoicing system has been put in place to reduce paper use.
  • Rain water is being re-used to clean vehicles.