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Case Studies

Business Services

IPM Global Mobility Growing Greener

IPM Global Mobility specialises in the full range of Assignment Management Services, taking away the hassle and challenges from Companies’ global assignee placements. The organisation is an ethical company with high values, taking responsibilities towards clients, employees, and the local community seriously.

To lead by example, IPM Global Mobility decided to work towards and have achieved the Green Level accreditation through Investors in the Environment, gaining recognition for its efforts and achievement.

In 2013, the organisation first gained the Green Level Accreditation and since then has continuously worked to maintain the standard. The environmental work has always been important and the engagement with staff has maintained enthusiasm, even through difficult economic times.

How did we help?

The Green Champion, with guidance from iiE, has worked together with all employees and managers, introducing simple actions such as switching off lights and equipment, thinking before printing and controlling water use. They consolidated all staff to make more efficient use of office space, and reviewed use of office equipment, reducing the number of printers to just one. These small changes have helped to reduce costs, saving over £900 in electricity and over £1000 through water and paper reduction over the last two years.

During Zero Waste Week, staff volunteered and took part in the local litter pick to raise awareness of litter and waste, and volunteers were asked to share their experiences with team mates. Through continued awareness and engagement, employees have helped reduce waste by 34% in 2015, reducing the number of bags by 74 compared to 2014.

To demonstrate continual commitment to behaving ethically and supporting the local community and society, IPM Global Mobility actively donate to various charities each year, sponsor a local children’s football team and support and sponsor one of our team member’s Children’s Theatre group based in Aberdeen.

Through active engagement, continual awareness-raising and simple yet effective actions IPM Global Mobility have been able to achieve a reduction on all measured resources and achieved all set targets for the previous year. This is an amazing achievement by the company but it could not have been done without the support of all employees. The work however is not yet done. With new targets set and the New Year ahead, the company will continue to work tirelessly to further demonstrate commitment to continual improvement and reducing the impact on the environment.

Key Achievements

  • Getting staff involved in Zero Waste Week, including a litter pick and helping to reduce waste by 34%
  • Savings of £900 over 2 years through electricity reduction and over £1000 through water and paper reduction
  • Achieving Green Level Accreditation from iiE in 2013
  • Supporting their local children’s football team and sponsorship of a children’s theatre group